Waste of time
I hope Virtual Bert catches on. Virtual Bert has been on the Bert site for quite some time but it just doesn’t catch on. Maybe this Virtual Bert is a bad idea. A waste of time most certainly. I also …
I hope Virtual Bert catches on. Virtual Bert has been on the Bert site for quite some time but it just doesn’t catch on. Maybe this Virtual Bert is a bad idea. A waste of time most certainly. I also …
After last weeks debacle with the Saint Émilion Grand Cru we decided to open yet another 1996 wine this weekend.This week’s “Craves” (Château Lagupeau) was fortunatelly not spoiled and although we cooked a normal dinner we did enjoy it. Its …
The next IETF will be in Paris, the one after that will be in Vancouver. I just found this list. You know you’re from Vancouver (BC) when…. Your coworker has 8 body piercing and none are visible. You make over …
Apple renamed Rendevous to Bonjour. I do not understand marketing people. Rendevous has a much classy sound than Bonjour and covers what the protocol does. Bonjour just doesn’t work for me. What would have worked is "Ça Va". Has a …
Saint Émilion Gran Cru 1996. Bought a couple of years ago kept carefully opened two days ago. Turned out to be over its top but still went pretty well with the French Fries yesterday
I was surfing a bit to see if there are any rumours on the release of G5 powerbooks. When I found the image of the prototype. This picture does not show the fans mounted on the left side of the …
Finally a site dedictated to “Willem Frederik Hermans” 10 years after his death. Next year a start will be made with the publication of his complete works. For those that do not read Dutch, I am sad to see that …
Discovery channel has a show called MythBusters.Given the numerous pyrotechnic experiments involved I started referring to this show as "Jackass for Scientists" Here is an idea for a show: Jammy H. uses Steve O. Every time a dummy is used …
Hi Math student. Happy you googled this way on your quest for a topic to write your statistics paper on. Here is the problem, its a real life problem, one that hurts about 10 million owners of an iPod. Random …
I used to draw a lot. When I was at university I illustrated a student paper and made cartoons and illustrations for several publications. Those days are over. The drawing material is not within reach and for some reason what …