Happy 2006
Traditionally late with new-years wishes.
Traditionally late with new-years wishes.
I have not had a lot of time for bogging lately. But even two weeks into the new year I feel like writing about the joys of December: the food. Christmas has never been my favorite kind of festivity. I …
I read Schneiers blog on a fairly regular basis. The "The Security Threat of Unchecked Presidential Power" article is a must read. I am more than disturbed by this and some of the recent events around the patriot act and …
As seen on TelSel.
I just stumbled on an article by “The Concerned Women for America”. Its about the Nimbus 2000 a vibrating broom. The concerned women for America are concerned about the fact that their 12 year old girls put these brooms between …
this blog used plog as its back-end since we started. It is a nice piece of open source software that can do with some support. Al the more reason to spread the word that the new name for “plog” …
Many people drink champagne on special occassions. Actually they drink champagne, or a Méthode champenoise, exclusively on special occassions. “Any occassion is good enough to drink Champagne” And then there is the Duck Dogma: “Whenever you see Duck, eat …
Yesterday I presented a column at het Domeinnaamdebat 2006. It was intended to start a discussion on the use of IDN within the Dutch top-level-domain. Although I am very supportive of the IDN technology I do not think it is …
In a recent post on the SONY DRM Hell Bruce Schneier refers to a statistical analysis done by Dan Kaminsky. Kaminsky asked more than 3 million DNS servers across the net whether they knew the addresses associated with the Sony …
While over in the US last couple of weeks I bought the latest “The Bad Plus” album “Suspicious Activity”. The band has on my radars screen since I heard their first album and bought it after the first four bars …