From OpenCola to Bin Laden
I just stumbled upon a Wikipedia lemma on opencola. The recipy contains a fair amount of Gum Arabic. That reminded me of a book by Dorrit van Dalen that recently appeared at Bert Bakker publishers that is high on my …
I just stumbled upon a Wikipedia lemma on opencola. The recipy contains a fair amount of Gum Arabic. That reminded me of a book by Dorrit van Dalen that recently appeared at Bert Bakker publishers that is high on my …
At 82 years Maria called him into her arms. I am sure they will make love today.
After last weeks debacle with the Saint Émilion Grand Cru we decided to open yet another 1996 wine this weekend.This week’s “Craves” (Château Lagupeau) was fortunatelly not spoiled and although we cooked a normal dinner we did enjoy it. Its …
Finally a site dedictated to “Willem Frederik Hermans” 10 years after his death. Next year a start will be made with the publication of his complete works. For those that do not read Dutch, I am sad to see that …