Beef Wellington
Beef Wellington is a dish made with a fine piece Tenderloin (‘Ossehaas’ in Dutch). It is a good piece of meat for days with festivities because part of the preparation can be done in the morning (they take about …
Beef Wellington is a dish made with a fine piece Tenderloin (‘Ossehaas’ in Dutch). It is a good piece of meat for days with festivities because part of the preparation can be done in the morning (they take about …
Last weekend I got “A Propos Bistro” by Stephane Reynaud. A book with 299 mouth watering recipes, great pictures, great recipes, and a bit of humor. It is one of the best cookbooks that I’ve laid my hands on recently. Although …
This years Christmas I decided to live up to the Duck Dogma (“Whenever you see Duck, eat it!”) and made Confit de Canard. Confit is a means of preparation where one starts with salting the meat and then cook it gently, …
I have not had a lot of time for bogging lately. But even two weeks into the new year I feel like writing about the joys of December: the food. Christmas has never been my favorite kind of festivity. I …
Many people drink champagne on special occassions. Actually they drink champagne, or a Méthode champenoise, exclusively on special occassions. “Any occassion is good enough to drink Champagne” And then there is the Duck Dogma: “Whenever you see Duck, eat …
This here is “Hemelse Modder”, “Heavenly Mud”. Its the signature dish of one of my favorite Amsterdam restaurant bearing name: Hemelse Modder. This restaurant has been in existence for over a decade and serve this dish on a daily basis. …
Yesterday was my last day in Paris. I regret having spoiled a fewevenings. One evening I was to tired to go out and had a sandwich in myhotel room (Fresh tomato and roquefort, so not a complete waste) andone evening …
Yesterday I had a very nice salad in this slightly overpriced restaurant down the road from the IETF venue. Its a Brasserie specialized in Fruit de Mere. I ordered Salade Italienne. Very nice indeed, until I hit a bug, covered …
After last weeks debacle with the Saint Émilion Grand Cru we decided to open yet another 1996 wine this weekend.This week’s “Craves” (Château Lagupeau) was fortunatelly not spoiled and although we cooked a normal dinner we did enjoy it. Its …