The Amen Break
This video contains an expose by Nate Harrisson about the “Amen Break”. I did not know about the “Amen Break” as a concept and this video is an eyeopener. A good piece of music history and theory that, when you …
This video contains an expose by Nate Harrisson about the “Amen Break”. I did not know about the “Amen Break” as a concept and this video is an eyeopener. A good piece of music history and theory that, when you …
I am a big fan of the Sopranos. However, Dutch television fails to broadcast the show on prime time so it never made it really popular in the NL. That leaves me nothing but SOBT (Stealing over BitTorrent) or …
Van de IND site: Beroepssporters in het betaalde voetbal, geestelijke voorgangers en godsdienstleraren en prostituees komen niet in aanmerking voor verblijf als kennismigrant.
Creationist argument: If evolution worked it would have provided cats with a middlefinger.
Its been a while since I last wrote here. I started a new job with NLnet Labs and it just took all my energy. Besides plog and Safari do not really work together and Ecto does not allow picture uploads …
Quotes from the poem: AH POOK THE DESTROYER … William S. Burroughs (Feb 5, 1914-Aug 2, 1997) (…) Hiroshima, 1945, August 6th, 16 minutes past 8 AMWho really gave that order?Answer – Control. The ugly American. The instrument of Control. …
Hi Math student. Happy you googled this way on your quest for a topic to write your statistics paper on. Here is the problem, its a real life problem, one that hurts about 10 million owners of an iPod. Random …
3 Songs that start with the cry of a cock. The Beatles, Good Morning Good Morning from Sgt. Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band. Tom Waits, I’ll Be Gone from Frank’s Wild Years. William S. Burroughs (and the Disposable Heroes of …