Beef Wellington
Beef Wellington is a dish made with a fine piece Tenderloin (‘Ossehaas’ in Dutch). It is a good piece of meat for days with festivities because part of the preparation can be done in the morning (they take about …
Beef Wellington is a dish made with a fine piece Tenderloin (‘Ossehaas’ in Dutch). It is a good piece of meat for days with festivities because part of the preparation can be done in the morning (they take about …
Last weekend I got “A Propos Bistro” by Stephane Reynaud. A book with 299 mouth watering recipes, great pictures, great recipes, and a bit of humor. It is one of the best cookbooks that I’ve laid my hands on recently. Although …
This years Christmas I decided to live up to the Duck Dogma (“Whenever you see Duck, eat it!”) and made Confit de Canard. Confit is a means of preparation where one starts with salting the meat and then cook it gently, …
I have not had a lot of time for bogging lately. But even two weeks into the new year I feel like writing about the joys of December: the food. Christmas has never been my favorite kind of festivity. I …
Saint Émilion Gran Cru 1996. Bought a couple of years ago kept carefully opened two days ago. Turned out to be over its top but still went pretty well with the French Fries yesterday