Wonder goo
We recently bought a house and we are now in the proces of painting it. Some walls need a little more than just a bit of paint. They need patching and fixing and, and that is really bad, removal of texture. …
We recently bought a house and we are now in the proces of painting it. Some walls need a little more than just a bit of paint. They need patching and fixing and, and that is really bad, removal of texture. …
I almost forgot about it… my Korg MS20 The poor machine and has been sitting in the attick of my parents for years. If I recall well one of the oscilators is broken. Given that this is a electronic instrument …
I run a dual boot PC back home. Today I was mucking around with grub and accidentally typed "grub-install /dev/hda1". Kids, never try adding a partition number to the device name. It screwed up my NTFS partition. I probably could …
In a recent post on the SONY DRM Hell Bruce Schneier refers to a statistical analysis done by Dan Kaminsky. Kaminsky asked more than 3 million DNS servers across the net whether they knew the addresses associated with the Sony …
Even though I follow the instructions on the PLog 1.0/XMLRPC page, I have problems getting pLog and ecto to work with pictures. After including a thumbnail with the ‘iphoto’ interface button and publishing the message Ecto responds with a "Could …
I would love to build myself a very silent computer. But I’m affraid that in my hands such machine would become a little messy.
Hi Math student. Happy you googled this way on your quest for a topic to write your statistics paper on. Here is the problem, its a real life problem, one that hurts about 10 million owners of an iPod. Random …
I have one server that goes by the hostname of "bert.secret-wg.org". It has other identities too; "www.trend-watcher.org" and "www.net-dns.org" are examples. The Apache documentation claims that name-based virtual hosting and SSL can not work Name-based virtual hosting cannot be used …
I have not yet started to get my finger behind Plog’s plugins—This evenings project was was not Blog but Mail. I finally gotaround to have my home-gateway talk SASL/TLS to my main server thatacts as a relayhost so that all …
I just upgraded this blog from plog 0.3 to version 1.0. The upgrade procedure works like a charm and the admin interface and the xmlrpc are improved. Its worth the step and its worth not to wait for the FreeBSD …