I almost forgot about it… my Korg MS20 The poor machine and has been sitting in the attick of my parents for years. If I recall well one of the oscilators is broken. Given that this is a electronic instrument …
I almost forgot about it… my Korg MS20 The poor machine and has been sitting in the attick of my parents for years. If I recall well one of the oscilators is broken. Given that this is a electronic instrument …
Inspired by a comment made at the IETF dnsop meeting: It is less efficient to swing a big clue-bat than to shoot a round of clue bullets.
At 82 years Maria called him into her arms. I am sure they will make love today.
On April 1 Bruce Schneier announced a contest that should get some attention. He will try to hook you up with a movie producer but I wonder if participation will also enter you on the DHS "no-fly" list. For a …
First cookies then cameras….
Van de IND site: Beroepssporters in het betaalde voetbal, geestelijke voorgangers en godsdienstleraren en prostituees komen niet in aanmerking voor verblijf als kennismigrant.
I use a Unix based OS which means that I get laid as often as I reboot my computer.Q
I run a dual boot PC back home. Today I was mucking around with grub and accidentally typed "grub-install /dev/hda1". Kids, never try adding a partition number to the device name. It screwed up my NTFS partition. I probably could …
Sunday is our 7th anniversary. Ed suggested I’d buy some flowers.
Creationist argument: If evolution worked it would have provided cats with a middlefinger.