Corporate Crime

From the script for “Corporate Crime” starring Robbie Williams as James Bond.

Scene 34 The Drousley assassination

Drousley wakes up looks at the window, its open, he walks over and closes it. Looking surprised, that window wasn’t open. He scans the room, nothing unfamiliar. Walks back to the bed and picks up his robe from the bed. Takes some effort to stylishly and correctly knots the belt.

From the bed, walks to the hallway, bends over, picks up the paper. While scanning the headlines, walks to the toilet. Camera zooms to feet, robe falls to the floor, shorts fall on the ankles and Drousley sits down.

Split screen:

After one hears a few pages flip, some ‘things’ falling into the water, hear the sound of the bottom flusher you can tell from Drousleys feet that he tries to stand up.


A gloved hand opens a bottle of super glue and prepares the seat. Then the same gloved hand turns operates a dial that is slowly turned up.


The feet panic, you see them kick while you hear the noise of burning flesh and screaming.

Full screen:

The kicking of the legs becomes more violent, while smoke fills the screen, from above. Suddenly the kicking stops. The paper falls on the floor. Headline shown “Drousley new CEO for Gong Inc”.


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