Direct Marketing
Direct marketing anoys the hell out of me. With surface mail even more than with e-mail based spam.
One of the Dutch loteries hired an actor who personally signed a mail that was addressed personally.
"Dear Mr. K,
I am so happy to tell you that … bla bla bla. So Mr K. if you would just … bla bla bla,
Mr Kolkman, be sure to react before Julepter 45 otherwise
signed actor (with picture and signature).
Since these sort of letters try find a tone that is personal and friendly as if written by the actor specially to you, and the letter therefore is almost personal, I decided to write him personally asking him kindly to not write me anymore. I googled for his name in combination with "place off living" to find his address.
It probably does not help to the amout of crap in my mailbox, and may even get me in to trouble, but it sure feels good to have written the guy in the hope he gets as annoyed as I am.
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