Plog Templates are cool
I have not yet started to get my finger behind Plog’s plugins—This evenings project was was not Blog but Mail. I finally gotaround to have my home-gateway talk SASL/TLS to my main server thatacts as a relayhost so that all my mail leaves from one server. — butthe templates stucture is cool enough in itself. Its one of thoseappealing little features of the plog architecture.
The AmIAScreenSaverOrNot screensaver is a funny screensaver is very nice hack. It just grabs pics from http://www.hotornot.comand displays them, one by one. While trying to figure out how that hackworked I noticed that HotorNot has an RSS feed nowadays. That makeshacking up a template that shows the latest 10 girls on HotorNot a trivial excercise.
The result can be found at
The core of the template only counts a few lines:
{include file="trend-watcher/header.template"}
{if $rss->parse("")}
{assign var=channel value=$rss->getChannel()}
<a href="{$channel->getLink()}">{$channel->getTitle()}
{foreach name=articles from=$rss->getItems() item=rssItem}
{if ($smarty.foreach.articles.iteration < 10)}
{include file="trend-watcher/panel.template"}
{include file="trend-watcher/footer.template"}
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