This is indefinite dictatorial power.

I read Schneiers blog on a fairly regular basis.

The "The Security Threat of Unchecked Presidential Power" article is a must read. I am more than disturbed by this and some of the recent events around the patriot act and the anti-torture acts (which got passed but that the US president was not supporting).

One of the points made is that the presidents puts itself above the law.
But note that the US as a whole does not recognize jurisdiction of international treaties such as he International Criminal Court (see `American Service-members’ Protection Act of 2002′ for the motivation).

1 Comment on “This is indefinite dictatorial power.

  1. You think that article is a must read. It is nothing but hysterical (and I don’t mean in the comical sense).
    I’m not really sure what your point is about the ICC. But I will vote against ANY candidate for POTUS that puts the US under that thumb. Besides the fact the charges are brought by motivated partisans all the time, International law has yet to prove itself credible.

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